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The Quest For Games!

The Quest For Games!

Hello, welcome back!

Today we’re going to talk about games… more precisely, the games that you would like GamesHub to host (and possibly sell). There are hundreds of games out there in many forms, whether they’re board games, trading card games (TCG), tabletop strategies or role-playing.
The point is, that’s a lot of game to cover and not all of those games will be popular in our area.

So, we want to find out what games you all currently play or want to play.
– You can use the contact form there →
– You can comment bellow ↓
Send whatever you can think of, no matter how big or small – there can be no wrong answers here!


Well, that’s all for now.
Over and out.

– GamesHub

Location; Locating, Located!

Location; Locating, Located!

You are fantastic, don’t let anyone say otherwise. Your responses to our last survey <here> were amazing, simply amazing!
For those of you who don’t know, we sent out a survey to deduce the best location for GamesHub. Well, you’ll be pleased to know that the most voted location was: in town, and off the high street. And don’t forget the “Explain your answer tab”, the responses in there are incredibly helpful!

So, the location has been established, now goes the wormhole called ‘finding a property’… wish us luck!

The GamesHub Cartographers are doing their thing!

Well, best not drag on for too long. Have a great weekend!

– GamesHub

Here’s the .pdf of the results:

The Next Page!

The Next Page!

Greetings fellow gamers,

Today we launch our next survey! This one is to find out which locations would be most beneficial for GamesHub, and, like the last one it’s very short! After this, we should have a good idea of where to look for shop units and The Hub For All Things Gamey is one step closer!

Enough dilly dally, here’s the link:

The GamesHub Grimoir

Thanks for helping, and see you next time!

– GamesHub

Survey Success!

Survey Success!

What a result! Our survey reached 60 people, amazing!

It seems that the most popular option was a games shop with cafe… which is good, because that’s what we were hoping for! Now the hard part, we have to find a suitable shop unit. Updates will be flying your way soon, as well as another survey or too, since we know how good at those you are now!

If you find anything that you think would be suitable, then be sure to chuck it our way. The GamesHub Gretchins are scanning far and wide, but they could use your added height!

A lil’ GamesHub Gretchin

Let’s make the gaming community in St Neots as awesome and thriving as we all know it should be – Gamers are awesome!


If you want to see the results, then they are in the .pdf below. Don’t worry, they’re completely anonymous!

GamesHub Just Got More Game!

GamesHub Just Got More Game!

Well hello there everybody, welcome back, we hope you’re all doing well!

This is a rather special post because GamesHub just launched a new page, the ~Game Zone~ ! <Insert dramatic music here>

So, since the inception of GamesHub we’ve only endorsed table-top games, trading card games (TCG) and creative hobbies. But, given the current circumstances and the rising apocalypse, social games/hobbies like these don’t really work… To solve this issue we have launched the Game Zone, a place for us and the community to build and play each others games, thus keeping the creativity flowing.

Now, despite popular opinion, game development on a small scale (such as this) is fairly accessible. All you need is a laptop… seriously!
Grab yourself a copy of a game engine (our favourite is Unity), make a cup of tea… And you’re set!

The Game Zone will not only host our strange creations, but also the wacky games you lot make.

We may even, if there is enough demand, do a beginners series about making games in Unity!

See you in the Game Zone,

~ GamesHub

GamesHub – The Robotic Ashcloud Phoenix!

GamesHub – The Robotic Ashcloud Phoenix!

The Ashcloud Phoenix, courtesy of Wizards of the Coast (M:TG)

Hey there, gamers everywhere!

It’s been an interesting few months, hasn’t it?!

The virus happened and we had to stop our sessions. We also had to stop looking for property for a while. It’s been difficult, but, hey – it’s been difficult for everyone!

We are pleased to announce that like Ashcloud Phoenix, we will be back, and stronger than before (but not on fire!). We are working really hard to find a property, and we are working out exactly what people would like for GamesHub. 

We’re putting out regular (short) questionnaires on Facebook to find out what people want and planning accordingly. Make sure you watch out for them.

The lockdown has been really weird. Not being able to meet up to game – pah, not been able to go to pubs and cafes – noooo! But people have all been finding ways to stay busy and we are no different. 

At the beginning of lockdown, there was some undercoating and painting prep going on, but that was hard with no games planned. A robot cleaning cat has almost been designed (called Felix, he needs some 3d printing if anyone has a 3d printer…), a computer game has been designed and created (Geofender) and a loyalty card for GamesHub has been designed. 

No banana bread has been made – but the main man hates bananas, so that’s no surprise! 

What have you guys been doing with yourselves? Pop your replies and pictures in the comments. 

Now that GamesHub planning is moving on faster than the space marine attack bike charging phase, there is lots to do!

Watch out on social media and on this blog (don’t forget to sign up to the email list so you always know what’s going on) to see how GamesHub is developing.

Stay safe and we will see you as soon as possible!



More Gamey-Goodness!

More Gamey-Goodness!

Question: What’s a One-Stop Shop For All Things Gamey – when it doesn’t have a shop?

Answer: We are!

We are still without a building of our own 🙁 But…we’re making great connections and have another fun-packed session for all of the lucky gamers, hobbyists and painters in the area 🙂
This time we’re lucky enough to be using the upstairs room in Shakie Jakes, St Neots. Shakie Jakes is the home of delicious (and very creative) milkshakes, smoothies and the most amazing hot chocolates ever! Add to that the more standard tea, coffee and fizzy drinks, foods from hot dogs to the most extravagant cakes and that’s perfection complete?

No. Perfection is all of that with a plate of Warhammer, Magic: The Gathering, or any other type of tabletop game. Served with a topping of painting, creating and socialising with great game liking people!

Did you get some new models for Christmas? Bring ’em along!

Want to know how to play something? Bring it along!

Want to paint or create? Come along!

Santa didn’t bring you any new tabletop games stuff? Aww, no!
Don’t stress – we have models, cards, paints and effects for you to use!

For gamers from 0 – dead, come and have fun with us on 22nd January from 3:30 – 5:30. All for just £3 🙂

Working between 3:30 and 5:30? Pants! <Cough, cough> you sound a bit poorly.
Don’t want to throw a sickie – good on ya! Don’t fret, we’ll do something in the evening soon – just working on a venue (until we have our own).

Thanks to the Shakie Jakes team and hope to see you all there. Tickets from shop

GamesHub Has Landed!

GamesHub Has Landed!

Games are good. Warhammer, Magic The Gathering, painting, crafting. It’s all great. But there is nowhere near St Neots to do it.

Well…there wasn’t, until now!

GamesHub: The One Stop Shop For All Things Gamey!

Fireworks on black background
Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

You can come along to paint, play and socialise. You can learn about tactics. You can learn new painting techniques. It is a games shop, but so much more!

The building for GamesHub is still being sorted out by the wonderful legal team who understand these things. 

While the legal team do their thing, GamesHub is borrowing other people’s buildings. 

The first GamesHub event is an under 18’s session on Saturday 26th October (10:30 – 12:30 and 14:-00 – 16:-00) at the fantastic Kwellers Cafe. And the £5 entry fee includes a delicious Kwellers hotdog!

The event will be everything that GamesHub is – social, gaming, painting, texturing and a delicious snack! 

Just not in our own building…yet!

Photo by Kirill Sharkovski on Unsplash
Theme: Overlay by Kaira
St Neots, Cambridgeshire